検索件数: 182 件
No. 年月日 号数 頁数 名古屋大学所蔵 法務図書館所蔵 その他所蔵 官報 掲載法律等(邦文) 掲載法律等(英文)
1 1952/1/1(火) - -
2 1952/1/2(水) - -
3 1952/1/3(木) - -
4 1952/1/4(金) No.1732 6
5 1952/1/5(土) No.1733 17
6 1952/1/6(日) - -
7 1952/1/7(月) No.1734 5
8 1952/1/7(月) EXTRA No.1(0107) 30
9 1952/1/8(火) No.1735 19
10 1952/1/8(火) Price Edition No.1(0108) 1
11 1952/1/9(水) No.1736 15
12 1952/1/10(木) No.1737 42
13 1952/1/11(金) No.1738 40
14 1952/1/12(土) No.1739 61
15 1952/1/13(日) - -
16 1952/1/14(月) No.1740 26
17 1952/1/14(月) Price Edition No.2(0114) 1
18 1952/1/15(火) - -
19 1952/1/16(水) No.1741 30
20 1952/1/17(木) No.1742 34
21 1952/1/18(金) No.1743 46
22 1952/1/19(土) No.1744 36
23 1952/1/20(日) - -
24 1952/1/21(月) No.1745 22
25 1952/1/22(火) No.1746 25
26 1952/1/22(火) EXTRA No.2(0122) 1
27 1952/1/22(火) EXTRA No.3(0122) 1
28 1952/1/23(水) No.1747 29
29 1952/1/24(木) No.1748 23
30 1952/1/25(金) No.1749 21
31 1952/1/26(土) No.1750 39
32 1952/1/27(日) - -
33 1952/1/28(月) No.1751 22
34 1952/1/29(火) No.1752 32
35 1952/1/30(水) No.1753 25
36 1952/1/31(木) No.1754 49
37 1952/1/31(木) EXTRA No.4(0131)(Part I) 160
38 1952/1/31(木) EXTRA No.4(0131)(Part II) 28
39 1952/2/1(金) No.1755 51
40 1952/2/1(金) Price Edition No.3(0201) 4
41 1952/2/2(土) No.1756 48
42 1952/2/3(日) - -
43 1952/2/4(月) No.1757 33
44 1952/2/5(火) No.1758 17
45 1952/2/6(水) No.1759 31
46 1952/2/7(木) No.1760 25
47 1952/2/7(木) EXTRA No.5(0207) 20
48 1952/2/8(金) No.1761 21
49 1952/2/9(土) No.1762 42
50 1952/2/9(土) EXTRA No.6(0209) 5
51 1952/2/9(土) EXTRA No.7(0209) 4
52 1952/2/9(土) Price Edition No.4(0209) 1
53 1952/2/10(日) - -
54 1952/2/11(月) No.1763 21
55 1952/2/12(火) No.1764 30
56 1952/2/13(水) No.1765 30
57 1952/2/14(木) No.1766 29
58 1952/2/14(木) EXTRA No.8(0214) 5
59 1952/2/15(金) No.1767 37
60 1952/2/16(土) No.1768 30
61 1952/2/17(日) - -
62 1952/2/18(月) No.1769 25
63 1952/2/19(火) No.1770 29 ●法1◆罹災都市借地借家臨時処理法第二十五条の二の災害及び同条の規定を適用する地区を定める法律 ■LAW 1◆Law for Specifying the Damages Prescribed in Article 25-(2) of the Law Providing Temporary Measures concerning Leasehold Land and Leased Building in the Cities Damaged by War and the Area to which the Provision of the Same Article should Apply
64 1952/2/20(水) No.1771 43
65 1952/2/21(木) No.1772 20
66 1952/2/21(木) EXTRA No.9(0221) 5
67 1952/2/22(金) No.1773 26
68 1952/2/23(土) No.1774 37
69 1952/2/24(日) - -
70 1952/2/25(月) No.1775 21
71 1952/2/25(月) EXTRA No.10(0225) 6
72 1952/2/25(月) EXTRA No.11(0225) 6
73 1952/2/26(火) No.1776 29
74 1952/2/27(水) No.1777 23
75 1952/2/27(水) Price Edition No.5(0227) 4
76 1952/2/28(木) No.1778 25
77 1952/2/29(金) No.1779 42 ●法2◇皇室経済法の一部を改正する法律/●法3◇皇室経済法施行法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 2◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Imperial House Economy Law/■LAW 3◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law for the Enforcement of the Imperial House Economy Law
78 1952/2/29(金) EXTRA No.12(0229) 62
79 1952/2/29(金) EXTRA No.13(0229) 91
80 1952/3/1(土) No.1780 35
81 1952/3/1(土) EXTRA No.14(0301) 112
82 1952/3/1(土) EXTRA No.15(0301) 60
83 1952/3/1(土) Price Edition No.6(0301) 7
84 1952/3/2(日) - -
85 1952/3/3(月) No.1781 30
86 1952/3/4(火) No.1782 19
87 1952/3/4(火) EXTRA No.16(0304) 9
88 1952/3/5(水) No.1783 42 ●法4◇財政法、会計法等の財政関係法律の一部を改正する等の法律 ■LAW 4◇Law for Partial Amendments, Etc., to Public Finance Laws including the Finance Law, Accounts Law, Etc.
89 1952/3/6(木) No.1784 14
90 1952/3/7(金) No.1785 33
91 1952/3/7(金) EXTRA No.17(0307) 18
92 1952/3/8(土) No.1786 51
93 1952/3/9(日) - -
94 1952/3/10(月) No.1787 22
95 1952/3/10(月) EXTRA No.18(0310) 6
96 1952/3/11(火) No.1788 41
97 1952/3/11(火) EXTRA No.19(0311) 9
98 1952/3/11(火) Price Edition No.7(0311) 1
99 1952/3/12(水) No.1789 26
100 1952/3/13(木) No.1790 34
101 1952/3/14(金) No.1791 30 ●法5◆企業合理化促進法 ■LAW 5◆Law for Promotion of Rationalization of Enterprise
102 1952/3/14(金) EXTRA No.20(0314) 15
103 1952/3/15(土) No.1792 37
104 1952/3/15(土) EXTRA No.21(0315) 1
105 1952/3/15(土) Price Edition No.8(0315) 2
106 1952/3/16(日) - -
107 1952/3/17(月) No.1793 19
108 1952/3/18(火) No.1794 40
109 1952/3/19(水) No.1795 24
110 1952/3/19(水) EXTRA No.22(0319) 15
111 1952/3/20(木) No.1796 38
112 1952/3/21(金) - -
113 1952/3/22(土) No.1797 38 ●法6◇国の利害に関係のある訴訟についての法務総裁の権限等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法7◇連合国占領軍の為す郵便物、電報及び電話通話の検閲に関する件を廃止する法律/●法8◇郵便貯金法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 6◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Law concerning the Authority of the Attorney-General in the Judicial Procedure in which the Interests of the State are involved/■LAW 7◇Law for Abolition of the Cabinet Ordinance concerning Censorship of Mails, Telegrams and Telephone Calls exercised by the Allied Powers Occupation Forces/■LAW 8◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Postal Savings Law
114 1952/3/23(日) - -
115 1952/3/24(月) No.1798 25
116 1952/3/25(火) No.1799 39 ●法9◆真珠養殖事業法 ■LAW 9◆Pearl Culture Industry Law
117 1952/3/25(火) EXTRA No.23(0325) 20
118 1952/3/26(水) No.1800 22
119 1952/3/27(木) No.1801 38 ●法10◆開拓者資金融通特別会計において貸付金の財源に充てるための一般会計からする繰入金に関する法律/●法11◆私立学校振興会法/●法12◇国民金融公庫法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 10◆Law concerning Transfer from the General Account for Appropriation for Loans in the Special Account for Finance for the Farm Settlers/■LAW 11◆Private School Promotion Association Law/■LAW 12◇Law for Partial Amendment to the People's Finance Corporation Law
120 1952/3/27(木) Price Edition No.9(0327) 1
121 1952/3/28(金) No.1802 46 ●法13◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く警察関係命令の措置に関する法律/●法14◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く全国選挙管理委員会関係諸命令の廃止に関する法律/●法15◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く特別調達庁関係諸命令の廃止に関する法律/●法16◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く賠償庁関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法17◇塩田等災害復旧事業費補助法の一部を改正する法律/●法18◆昭和二十六年十月の台風による漁業災害の復旧資金の融通に関する特別措置法 ■LAW 13◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Police based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 14◇Law for Abolition of Orders under the National Election Administration Commission Based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 15◇Law for Abolition of Orders under the Special Procurement Agency based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 16◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Reparations Agency Based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of Acceptance of Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 17◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Subsidy for Disaster Rehabilitation Works Expenses for Salf-Fields, Etc./■LAW 18◆Law concerning Special Measures for Financing Rehabilitation of Fisheries Stricken by Typhoon of October,1951
122 1952/3/29(土) No.1803 45 ●法19◇住宅緊急措置令等の廃止に関する法律/●法20◆閉鎖機関日本蚕糸統制株式会社が積み立てた繭糸価格安定資金の処分に関する法律 ■LAW 19◇Law concerning Abolition of the Housing Emergency Measures Ordinance, etc./■LAW 20◆Law concerning the Disposition of the Cocoon and Raw Silk Price Stabilization Fund Reserved by the Japan Raw Silk Control Company, Ltd., Closed Institution
123 1952/3/29(土) EXTRA No.24(0329) 102
124 1952/3/29(土) EXTRA No.25(0329) 4 ●法21◇郵政事業特別会計法及び電気通信事業特別会計法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 21◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Postal Services Special Account Law and the Telecommunication Services Special Account Law
125 1952/3/30(日) - -
126 1952/3/31(月) No.1804 55 ●法22◇国立学校設置法の一部を改正する法律/●法23◆国際的供給不足物資等の需給調整に関する臨時措置に関する法律/●法24◆商船管理委員会の解散及び清算に関する法律 ■LAW 22◇Law for Partial Amendments to the National School Establishment Law/■LAW 23◆Law concerning Temporary Measures for Adjustment of Demand and Supply of Internationally Scarce Materials, Etc./■LAW 24◆Law for Dissolution and Liquidation of the Civilian Merchant Marine Committee
127 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.26(0331) 36 ●法25◇森林火災国営保険法の一部を改正する法律/●法26◇松くい虫等その他の森林病害虫の駆除予防に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法27◇農林漁業資金融通法の一部を改正する法律/●法28◆漁船損害補償法/●法29◆漁船損害補償法施行法 ■LAW 25◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Forest Fire State-Operated Insurance Law/■LAW 26◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law for Exterminating and Preventing Pine Bark Beetles and Other Similar Borers, and Other Destructive Forest Pests and Diseases/■LAW 27◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Loans Law/■LAW 28◆Fishing Boat Damage Compensation Law/■LAW 29◆Fishing Boat Damage Compensation Law Enforcement Law
128 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.27(0331) 13 ●法30◇失業保険法の一部を改正する法律/●法31◇船員保険法の一部を改正する法律/●法32◆新たに入学する児童に対する教科用図書の給与に関する法律/●法33◇輸出信用保険法の一部を改正する法律/●法34◇郵便為替法の一部を改正する法律/●法35◆海外からの日本国民の集団的引揚輸送のための航海命令に関する法律 ■LAW 30◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Unemployment Insurance Law/■LAW 31◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Seamen's Insurance Law/■LAW 32◆Law concerning the Supply of Textbooks to the Children Who First Enter the Schools/■LAW 33◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Export Credit Insurance Law/■LAW 34◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Postal Money Order Law/■LAW 35◆Law for Navigation Order for Mass Repatriation Transportation of Japanese Nationals from Abroad
129 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.28(0331) 44 ●法36◇国会議員の歳費、旅費及び手当等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法37◇特別調達庁設置法の一部を改正する法律/●法38◇外務省設置法の一部を改正する法律/●法39◇農林省設置法等の一部を改正する法律/●法40◇経済安定本部設置法等の一部を改正する法律/●法41◆外務公務員法/●法42◇連合国軍人等住宅公社法を廃止する法律/●法43◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く大蔵省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律 ■LAW 36◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Law for Annual Payment, Travelling Expenses and Other Allowances of the Members of the Houses/■LAW 37◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Special Procurement Agency Establishment Law/■LAW 38◇Law for Partial Amendments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Establishment Law/■LAW 39◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Establishment Law, etc./■LAW 40◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Economic Stabilization Board Establishment Law, Etc./■LAW 41◆Foreign Public Service Law/■LAW 42◇Law for Abolition of the Japanese Government Corporation for Housing of Allied Personnel Law/■LAW 43◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of Finance based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration
130 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.29(0331) 18 ●法44◆在外公館等借入金の返済の実施に関する法律/●法45◇財産税等収入金特別会計法を廃止する法律/●法46◇食糧管理特別会計法の一部を改正する法律/●法47◇漁船再保険特別会計法の一部を改正する法律/●法48◆漁船再保険特別会計における漁船再保険事業について生じた損失を補てんするための一般会計からする繰入金に関する法律<「てん」に圏点>/●法49◇農業共済再保険特別会計法の一部を改正する法律/●法50◆農業共済再保険特別会計の歳入不足を補てんするための一般会計からする繰入金に関する法律<「てん」に圏点>/●法51◇農林漁業資金融通特別会計法の一部を改正する法律/●法52◆資金運用部預託金利率の特例に関する法律 ■LAW 44◆Law concerning the Execution of the Repayment of the Debts Incurred by Japanese Consulates and Japanese Residents' Associations, Etc./■LAW 45◇Law for Abolition of the Law of Special Account for the Capital Levy Revenues, Etc./■LAW 46◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Food Management Special Account Law/■LAW 47◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Fishing Boat Reinsurance Special Account Law/■LAW 48◆Law concerning the Transfer from the General Account for Covering the Loss Arising from the Fishing Boat Reinsurance Enterprises in the Fishing Boat Reinsurance Special Account/■LAW 49◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Agricultural Mutual Aid Reinsurance Special Account Law/■LAW 50◆Law concerning the Transfer from the General Account for Covering the Shortage of Revenues in the Agricultural Mutual-Aid Reinsurance Special Account/■LAW 51◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Loans Special Account Law/■LAW 52◆Law concerning Special Exception to Interest Rates on Funds Entrusted with the Trust Fund Bureau
131 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.30(0331) 69 ●法53◇所得税法の一部を改正する法律/●法54◇法人税法の一部を改正する法律/●法55◇相続税法の一部を改正する法律/●法56◇物品税法の一部を改正する法律/●法57◇砂糖消費税法の一部を改正する法律/●法58◇通行税法の一部を改正する法律/●法59◇資産再評価法の一部を改正する法律/●法60◇災害被害者に対する租税の減免、徴収猶予等に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法61◇租税特別措置法等の一部を改正する法律/●法62◇関税定率法等の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 53◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Income Tax Law/■LAW 54◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Corporation Tax Law/■LAW 55◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Accessions Tax Law/■LAW 56◇Law for Partial Amendments to Commodity Tax Law/■LAW 57◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Sugar Excise Law/■LAW 58◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Travelling Tax Law/■LAW 59◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Assets Revaluation Law/■LAW 60◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Reduction, Exemption and Postponement of Collection of Tax for Sufferers from Calamities/■LAW 61◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Special Taxation Measures Law, Etc./■LAW 62◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Customs Tariff Law, Etc.
132 1952/3/31(月) EXTRA No.31(0331) 112
133 1952/3/31(月) Price Edition No.10(0331) 3
134 1952/4/1(火) No.1805 36
135 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.32(0401) 15 ●法63◇公庫の予算及び決算に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法64◆一般会計の歳出の財源に充てるための米国対日援助物資等処理特別会計からする繰入金に関する法律/●法65◇日本専売公社法の一部を改正する法律/●法66◇日本輸出銀行法の一部を改正する法律/●法67◇国民貯蓄組合法の一部を改正する法律/●法68◇船舶運営会の船員の退職手当に関する交付金を船舶所有者に交付する法律を廃止する法律/●法69◆昭和二十六年十月の台風による木船災害の復旧資金の融通に関する特別措置法/●法70◆捕獲審検所の検定の再審査に関する法律 ■LAW 63◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Budget and Settlement of Account for Finance Public Corporation/■LAW 64◆Law concerning the Transfer from the Special Account for the Disposal of the U. S. Aid Commodities, Etc. to Japan for Appropriation to the Expenditure of the General Account/■LAW 65◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Japan Monopoly Corporation Law/■LAW 66◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Export Bank of Japan Law/■LAW 67◇Law for Partial Amendments to the National Savings Association/■LAW 68◇Law for Abolition of the Law for Compensation to Shipowners for Payment of Retirement Allowance to Seamen of the Civilian Merchant Marine Committee/■LAW 69◆Law concerning Special Measures for Financing Rehabilitation of Wooden Vessels Stricken by Typhoon of October, 1951/■LAW 70◆Law for Review of Decisions of Prize Courts
136 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.33(0401) 21
137 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.34(0401) 25
138 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.35(0401) 37
139 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.36(0401) 36
140 1952/4/1(火) EXTRA No.37(0401) 38
141 1952/4/2(水) No.1806 33
142 1952/4/3(木) No.1807 24
143 1952/4/4(金) No.1808 29
144 1952/4/5(土) No.1809 38 ●法71◇屋外広告物法の一部を改正する法律/●法72◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く運輸省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律 ■LAW 71◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Outdoor Advertisements Law/■LAW 72◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of Transportation based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration
145 1952/4/6(日) - -
146 1952/4/7(月) No.1810 31 ●法73◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く農林関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法74◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く水産関係諸命令の廃止に関する法律/●法75◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く労働省関係諸命令の廃止に関する法律/●法76◇農業改良助長法の一部を改正する法律/●法77◆小型機船底びき網漁業整理特別措置法 ■LAW 73◆Law concerning Measures for Orders under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to Be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 74◇Law for Abolition of Orders relating to Fishery based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 75◇Law for Abolition of Orders under the Ministry of Labor based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 76◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Improvement and Promotion of Agriculture/■LAW 77◆Law for Special Measures for the Adjustment of Small Type Trawler Fisheries
147 1952/4/7(月) EXTRA No.38(0407) 19
148 1952/4/8(火) No.1811 33
149 1952/4/8(火) EXTRA No.39(0408) 18
150 1952/4/9(水) No.1812 63 ●法78◇国家公務員等の旅費に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法79◇教職員の除去、就職禁止等に関する政令を廃止する法律/●法80◇国家公務員共済組合法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 78◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Travel Expenses for National Public Service Personnel and Others/■LAW 79◇Law for the Abolition of the Cabinet Order concerning the Exclusion, Removal, etc. of Member of the Educational Service/■LAW 80◇Law for Partial Amendments to the National Public Service Mutual Aid Association Law
151 1952/4/10(木) No.1813 43
152 1952/4/11(金) No.1814 33 ●法81◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件の廃止に関する法律/●法82◇ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く総理府本府及び地方自治庁関係諸命令の廃止に関する法律/●法83◇農林水産業施設災害復旧事業費国庫補助の暫定措置に関する法律の一部を改正する法律/●法84◇夏時刻法を廃止する法律 ■LAW 81◇Law for Abolition of the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 82◇Law for Abolition of Orders under the Office Proper of the Prime Minister's Office and the Local Autonomy Agency based on the Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 83◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law concerning Provisional Measures for Subsidy by Treasury for Disasters Rehabilitation Works Expenses for Facilities of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery/■LAW 84◇Law for Abolition of the Summer-Time Law
153 1952/4/12(土) No.1815 36 ●法85◆在外公館の名称及び位置を定める法律/●法86◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く文部省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法87◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く通商産業省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法88◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く経済安定本部関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法89◆十勝沖地震による漁業災害の復旧資金の融通に関する特別措置法/●法90◇商品取引所法の一部を改正する法律/●法91◇日本製鉄株式会社法廃止法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 85◆Law for Determination of Names and Locations of Diplomatic and Consular Establishments Abroad/■LAW 86◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of Education based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 87◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 88◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Economic Stabilization Board based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 89◆Law concerning Special Measures for Financing Rehabilitation of Fisheries Stricken by Earthquake off Tokachi/■LAW 90◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Commodity Exchange Law/■LAW 91◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law for Abolition of the Japan Iron and Steel Manufacturing Company Law
154 1952/4/13(日) - -
155 1952/4/14(月) No.1816 22
156 1952/4/15(火) No.1817 30 ●法92◇統計法及び教育委員会法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 92◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Statistics Law and the Board of Education Law
157 1952/4/15(火) EXTRA No.40(0415) 7
158 1952/4/16(水) No.1818 20
159 1952/4/17(木) No.1819 30
160 1952/4/18(金) No.1820 39
161 1952/4/19(土) No.1821 34
162 1952/4/20(日) - -
163 1952/4/21(月) No.1822 28 ●法93◆在外公館に勤務する外務公務員の給与に関する法律/●法94◇公職に関する就職禁止、退職等に関する勅令等の廃止に関する法律 ■LAW 93◆Law for Pay of Foreign Public Service Officials Serving at Diplomatic and Consular Offices Abroad/■LAW 94◇Law for Abolition of the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Exclusion, Retirement, Etc. in respect to Public Offices, Etc.
164 1952/4/22(火) No.1823 24
165 1952/4/23(水) No.1824 57 ●法95◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く連合国財産及びドイツ財産関係諸命令の措置に関する法律 ■LAW 95◆Law concerning Disposition of Orders in Connection with United Nations Property and German Property Based on the Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration
166 1952/4/24(木) No.1825 25
167 1952/4/25(金) No.1826 34 ●法96◆特殊土じよう地帯災害防除及び振興臨時措置法<「じよう」に圏点> ■LAW 96◆Law concerning Temporary Measures for the Prevention of Calamity and the Economic Development in Special-soil Areas
168 1952/4/25(金) EXTRA No.41(0425) 34
169 1952/4/26(土) No.1827 49 ●法97◇海上保安庁法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 97◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Maritime Safety Agency Law
170 1952/4/26(土) EXTRA No.42(0426) 1
171 1952/4/27(日) - -
172 1952/4/28(月) No.1828 51 ●法98◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く建設省関係命令の措置に関する法律/●法99◇国庫出納金等端数計算法の一部を改正する法律/●法100◇中小企業等協同組合法の一部を改正する法律/●法101◇特許法の一部を改正する法律/●法102◇道路運送車両法の一部を改正する法律 ■LAW 98◆Law for Disposition of Order under the Ministry of Construction based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 99◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law for Calculation of Fractions of Receipts and Disbursements, Etc. of the Treasury/■LAW 100◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Smaller Enterprise, Etc. Cooperative Law/■LAW 101◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Patent Law/■LAW 102◇Law for Partial Amendments to Vehicles for Road Transportation Law
173 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.43(0428) 8
174 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.44(0428) 41 ●法103◆平和条約第十一条による刑の執行及び赦免等に関する法律/●法104◆平和条約の実施に伴う民事判決の再審査等に関する法律/●法105◆平和条約の実施に伴う刑事判決の再審査等に関する法律/●法106◆住民登録法施行法/●法107◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う電信電話料金法等の特例に関する法律/●法108◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う電波法の特例に関する法律 ■LAW 103◆Law concerning the Enforcement of Sentences, the Granting of Clemency, etc. in Accordance with the Provision of Article 11 of the Treaty of Peace/■LAW 104◆Law concerning the Review of Civil Judgment, etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Treaty of Peace/■LAW 105◆Law concerning the Review of Criminal Judgment, etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Treaty of Peace/■LAW 106◆Law for the Enforcement of the Resident Registration Law/■LAW 107◆Law concerning the Exceptions to the Telegraph and Telephone Charges Law in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 108◆Law concerning the Special Cases of the Radio Law in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan
175 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.45(0428) 24 ●法109◇特別調達資金設置令の一部を改正する法律/●法110◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う国有の財産の管理に関する法律/●法111◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う所得税法等の臨時特例に関する法律/●法112◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う関税法等の臨時特例に関する法律/●法113◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う国税犯則取締法等の臨時特例に関する法律/●法114◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴うたばこ専売法等の臨時特例に関する法律 ■LAW 109◇Law for Partial Amendment to the Special Procurement Fund Establishment Order/■LAW 110◆Law concerning Administration of Properties owned by the State in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 111◆Law concerning Temporary Exceptions to the Income Tax Law, Etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 112◆Law concerning Temporary Exceptions to the Customs Law, Etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 113◆Law for Temporary Exceptions to the Anti-National Tax Evasion Law, Etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 114◆Law concerning Temporary Exceptions to the Tobacco Monopoly Law, Etc. in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan
176 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.46(0428) 15 ●法115◇行政機関職員定員法一部を改正する法律/●法116◇総理府設置法等の一部を改正する等の法律/●法117◆公務員等の懲戒免除等に関する法律/●法118◆町村職員恩給組合法/●法119◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う地方税法の臨時特例に関する法律 ■LAW 115◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Law for the Fixed Number of Personnel in the Administrative Organs/■LAW 116◇Law for Partial Amendments to the Prime Minister's Office Establishment Law, etc./■LAW 117◆Law concerning Remission of Disciplinary Punishment, Etc. for Public Service Personnel, Etc./■LAW 118◆Law for the Pension Association for the Personnel of Towns and Villages/■LAW 119◆Law concerning the Temporary Exceptions to the Local Tax Law in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan
177 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.47(0428) 7 ●法120◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く厚生省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律/●法121◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定に伴う民事特別法/●法122◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う郵便法の特例に関する法律/●法123◆日本国との平和条約の効力発生及び日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う道路運送法等の特例に関する法律/●法124◆日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定の実施に伴う水先法の特例に関する法律 ■LAW 120◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of Welfare based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration/■LAW 121◆Law for Special Measures concerning Civil Cases in Consequence of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 122◆Law concerning Exceptions to the Mail Law in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between United States of America and Japan/■LAW 123◆Law concerning the Exceptions to the Road Transportation Law, etc., in Consequence of the Coming into Force of the Treaty of Peace with Japan as well as the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan/■LAW 124◆Law concerning the Exceptions to the Marine Pilot Law, in Consequence of the Operation of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan
178 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.48(0428) 44 ●法125◆外国人登録法/●法126◆ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件に基く外務省関係諸命令の措置に関する法律 ■LAW 125◆Alien Registration Law/■LAW 126◆Law for Disposition of Orders under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs based on the Imperial Ordinance concerning the Orders to be Issued in Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration
179 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.49(0428) 27
180 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.50(0428) 2
181 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.51(0428) 1
182 1952/4/28(月) EXTRA No.52(0428) 8


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