This translation is served by the students who participate in the project "Translation Training for Students".
This project is supported by Japan Legal Information Institute (JaLII).
Enactment: Act No.100 of 1954
Translated Version: Amendment of Act No.155 of 1999
Translated: 2006
The Restriction on Interest Act
(Restriction of Interest)
第一条 金銭を目的とする消費貸借上の利息の契約は、その利息が左の利率により計算した金額をこえるときは、その超過部分につき無効とする。
Article 1 A contract for interest on a loan of money shall be void to the extent that the amount of interest exceeds that calculated as follows:
 元本が十万円未満の場合   年二割
In the case that the principal is less than one hundred thousand yen: twenty percent per year
 元本が十万円以上百万円未満の場合   年一割八分
In the case that the principal is one hundred thousand yen or more and less than one million yen: eighteen percent per year
 元本が百万円以上の場合   年一割五分
In the case that the principal is one million yen or more: fifteen percent per year
2 債務者は、前項の超過部分を任意に支払つたときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、その返還を請求することができない。
(2) When an obligor has paid the excess portion set forth in the preceding paragraph voluntarily, notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph, the obligor may not claim refund.
(Advanced Deduction of Interest)
第二条 利息を天引した場合において、天引額が債務者の受領額を元本として前条第一項に規定する利率により計算した金額をこえるときは、その超過部分は、元本の支払に充てたものとみなす。
Article 2 In cases interest is deduced in advance, and if the amount of deduction in advance exceeds the one calculated, an obligor's received amount being as principal, with the interest rate provided in Paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the excess portion shall be deemed to be the appropriation to the payment of principal.
(Payment Regarded as Interest)
第三条 前二条の規定の適用については、金銭を目的とする消費貸借に関し債権者の受ける元本以外の金銭は、礼金、割引金、手数料、調査料その他何らの名義をもつてするを問わず、利息とみなす。但し、契約の締結及び債務の弁済の費用は、この限りでない。
Article 3 For the purpose of application of the provisions of the preceding two articles, money that an obligee receives under the contract of loan, except repayment of principle, whether named a reward, a discount charge, commission charge or inspection fee or any other name that an obligee receives, shall be deemed interest, provided, however, that this shall not apply to expenses in connection with conclusion of the contract and performance of obligations.
(Restriction on Liquidated Damages)
第四条 金銭を目的とする消費貸借上の債務の不履行による賠償額の予定は、その賠償額の元本に対する割合が第一条第一項に規定する率の一・四六倍を超えるときは、その超過部分につき無効とする。
Article 4 An agreement for liquidated damages due to a default of loan shall be void to the extent that the percentage of the agreed damages against the principal exceeds one point four six times the rate of interest prescribed in Article 1 Paragraph 1.
2 第一条第二項の規定は、債務者が前項の超過部分を任意に支払つた場合に準用する。
(2) The provision of Article 1 Paragraph 2 shall apply with necessary changes in cases where an obligor has voluntarily paid the excess portion set forth in the preceding paragraph.
3 前二項の規定の適用については、違約金は、賠償額の予定とみなす。
(3) For the purpose of application of the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, any penalty shall be deemed to constitute liquidated damages.